WQ Supports Bermuda’s Toys for Tots

Posted by: Anita Yates
Category: In the News

Toys for Tots 2015On 27th November 2015, WQ contributed to Toys for Tots, in the 13th annual campaign sponsored by Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty. WQ’s Managing Director Nicholas Hoskins notes “We are delighted to support Toys for Tots and I would like to thank all of our staff members who have given generously to this worthwhile cause.  It is very sad to think that there are so many children around the world who will not be unwrapping a gift this year. We hope that our small contribution will bring some Christmas cheer to children in our Bermuda community during this holiday season.  I would like to thank both Coldwell Banker and The Coalition for the Protection of Children for their hard work in making this program a great success and we hope that this initiative continues to go from strength to strength.”

Pictured are:
Laura Bolton, Rental Representative, Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty
Laura Knox Clingerman, Head of Director Services, WQ
Anita Yates, General Manager, WQ
Nick Hoskins, Managing Director, WQ
Jessica Andrade, Junior Corporate Administrator, WQ
Sarah Faiella, Sales Representative, Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty