Wakefield Quin supports 3 March 2016 AIMA event

Posted by: Anita Yates
Category: In the News

Laura Knox, Head of Director Services at Harbour Financial Services, an affiliate of Wakefield Quin, is part of a four person AIMA Committee, making a bid to increase Bermuda hedge funds business. AIMA (Alternative Investment Management Association) is a London-based trade association which aims to provide leadership to the hedge funds industry globally, provide an interactive and professional forum for membership, act as a catalyst and promoter of the industry’s global development, establish sound practices to enhance industry transparency and education, and to liaise with the wider financial community, institutional investors, the media, regulators, governments, and other policy makers.

The Bermuda group’s immediate goal is to explore the value a local AIMA Executive Committee can provide, including a stronger presence for Bermuda as an international financial centre, establishing networking opportunities, and providing regular and comprehensive regulatory and training updates and guidance notes for compliance.

Wakefield Quin will have a number of professionals in attendance at the launch event at the Bermuda National Gallery on 3 March 2016.

See full story at http://www.royalgazette.com/article/20160225/BUSINESS02/160229841