Jai Pachai

23 Jul
Woods-Forde v Bermuda Hospitals Board
Category: Deals & Cases
Wakefield Quin Limited successfully represented the plaintiff, who had sued for wrongful dismissal in the Supreme Court.  The court held that the plaintiff had not acted dishonestl...
13 Mar
Pitt & Company Limited v Gary & Michael White
Category: Deals & Cases
Wakefield Quin Limited successfully represented the plaintiffs, who had sued the defendants in the Supreme Court of Bermuda in an amount exceeding $1 million, for misrepresentation...
13 Mar
Williams v The Bermuda Hospital Board
Category: Deals & Cases
Wakefield Quin Limited successfully represented the plaintiff who had sued the defendant in the Supreme Court for negligence in failing to promptly diagnose his medical condition. ...
13 Jun
Thomson v Thomson & Colonial Insurance Company Ltd.
Category: Deals & Cases
Wakefield Quin Limited successfully represented the defendant, who was claiming against his insurer in order to require them to cover his claim under his insurance policy. The Supr...